The 500L system included five layers of filtration, a labyrinth tank with dual oil separators, modular design for easy reconfiguration and operates fully automatically for “lights out” operation. The facility operates 24 hours a day, 6 days per week.
This centralized filter unit is utilized to remove fines and oils from multiple washing machines. It replaces existing individual systems that could not meet the customer’s cleanliness specifications.
Ultra-fine washing fluid filtration modules are supplied with paper media deep bed assemblies, magnetic plate style filtration, labyrinth tanks with micro bubblers to raise very fine particles and tilting skimmer oil pick-up devices to remove tramp oil from the tank.
Unique to the filter process is the use of a micro bubbler unit, the micro bubbles attracting both oils and fine particles resulting in extremely high levels of filtration (less than five microns) with no need for media!
To prove our performance, RHM conducted trials with the Belki oil removal system over a period of two weeks to ensure that the proposed system would meet the customer’s stringent contamination control requirements.
The Flodraulic / RHM multi-layer conditioner / filtration system can be used a diverse spectrum of application possibilities including honing, grinding, lapping, washing and polishing.