However, Flodraulic’s North American Hydraulic (NAHI) group saw an opportunity with Black Bruin’s newly-designed S-Series hollow-shaft motor. The result? NAHI has displaced competition with Black Bruin products and NAHI value-added engineering on four different drill models. Support, cost and efficiency were the customer’s primary concerns and NAHI satisfied all three with flying colors!
The cost of the Black Bruin solution was not initially the least expensive. However, with the complete NAHI design, the customer was able to eliminate other costly components such as external support bearings and frame material. Condensing these components into a single package also saved the customer a great amount of assembly time and effort. The Black Bruin motor also provided two times the maximum speed, literally leaving the competition in the dust!
The NAHI team was able to increase operational efficiency by offering a two-speed “shift-on-the-fly” option that the competition could not achieve in this application. We were also able to increase the load ratings to each drill.